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Dell Reports Drastic Profit Drop: Will Tablets continue to Outperform Traditional Laptops?

Is Dell's drop in profits indicative of the the death of traditional laptops?  Yesterday one of the world’s leading laptop manufacturers, Dell, reported a 79% drop in their profits for the first quarter of the financial year. Dell’s experience stands in stark contrast to that of key tablet manufacturers, (among them Apple and Samsung.) As IDC, (a global provider of market information) notes, shipments of tablet devices have continued to surge, totalling 49.2 million units in the first quarter of 2013. ( ) Dell has been attempting to compensate for its poor performance in the computer market by providing its customers with other products such as business software and hardware for servers. The future of the laptop industry   Traditional laptops vs. tablets   Is Dell's attempt to branch out into other services a sign of the future? Despite the recent development of a broad variety of hybrid laptops by a number of key manufacturers, (including Dell,) the future of the laptop industry seems less than certain. Will traditional laptops soon be devices from a forgotten era? Does the future belong to the tablet and touchscreen technology? Are we witnessing the end of one age and the beginning of another? Analysts suggest that one of the only ways key laptop manufacturers will be able to compete with  tablet devices is by designing an affordable, easily portable machine with excellent all round specifications.If such a product were to appear, perhaps the computer industry could be reenergized. Which do you prefer: the traditional laptop or the tablet?

New Gadget Which Transforms Smartphone Into Laptop

John Andrus invents a device that turns a smartphone into a laptop  Edmonton businessman John Andrus has invented a device called the Casetop which allows users to transform their smartphone, temporarily, into a fully operational laptop. Though still raising funds for the device’s mass production, and continuing with his job as a network administrator, Andrus is adamant that his invention will represent a new step in computing technology. About the Casetop  The invention in detail Markedly smaller than a Macbook, the Casetop comes equipped with an 11.1 inch HD screen and a full size keyboard, (for those who find it difficult to navigate around a small smartphone screen.) On its front is a bar in which can be placed any model of smartphone; the mobile acting as the laptop’s information centre.The Casebook is also equipped with a 56 watt battery which charges the connected smartphone whilst the device as a whole is being used.    Andrus' future plans Having produced a prototype, Andrus is now attempting to raise money to have the Casetop mass produced. In a bid to raise the necessary funds, he is utilising Kick-starter, an online organisation which allows people to invest in businesses of their choosing in exchange for merchandise rather than financial shares. Should this method of fundraising prove successful, Livi Design, (Andrus’ technology firm,) will approach Chinese manufacturers.

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