Navigating the Jargon: Demystifying LED vs. LCD in Laptop Screens 1. December 2023 Nick Technical Support (0) Introduction:In the vast world of laptops and technology, the terms LED and LCD are often used inter [More]
The Cost-Friendly Cloudbook 10. August 2015 tori Laptop Screen News (0) Acer announce new laptop plans Recently, Acer discussed their plans to release a new [More]
How Easy Is It To Replace A Laptop Screen? 8. March 2012 Nick Laptop Screen Installation Help (0) Is it easy to change a laptop screen? You bet! So the time has come for you to attempt a [More]
7 Reasons to Repair or Replace Your Own Broken Laptop Screen 18. July 2011 Nick Laptop Screen Information (0) 7 reasons to repair/replace your own broken laptop screenOften when your laptop screen breaks or c [More]
Laptop Screens in the Classroom | Laptops for Students 28. June 2011 Nick Laptop Screen News (0) Laptop screens in the classroom Some of us may remember the time when schools introduced the calculator for students, and pupils no longer had to think for themselves. The calculators would perform all kinds of mathematical functions, including complex scientific calculations at the push of a button. Well, times have moved on again and you may not be aware, that now, in the United Kingdom at least and probably many other European countries, students are required to attend class with a laptop computer. The laptop computer replaces many of the older text book and fountain pen curriculum styles, in favour of a more dynamic, less paper orientated and more exciting ways of learning. Whilst there are many obvious benefits to such a way of learning, including environmental, there are some obvious downsides to the approach. Traditionally a teacher could walk along an aisle and with a quick glance, see what many students were currently working on, simply by looking down at the table tops and glancing an eye across paper. With up to 40 laptop computers in a classroom, it is clear to see why it is not possible to monitor the contents of all the students’ laptop screens. For this reason, the con to using laptop computers in the classroom is that it is hard for the lecturer to evaluate the students work and co ordinate the class. Monitoring computer use in the classroom Student Manager Student Manager is based on a wireless network design by Aerohive and includes comprehensive student monitoring tools, lesson planning and extensive reporting systems for schools and universities, to allow them to better plan, deploy and monitor the progress of individual students. Those of you who are familiar with remote control systems such as VNC and Windows Remote Desktop will already be familiar with some of the features of this product, however there are many more extensive features that lecturers' can use such as "TeacherView" which provides a powerful classroom monitoring and management system, requiring no software to be loaded onto the pupils laptops. This system of classroom monitoring paves the way for teachers to handle larger classrooms of students and still offer a traditional approach to teaching by allowing the lecturers to maintain a personal approach to individual students from one central location. This type of system may also pave the way for future students to learn from their own homes rather than travelling into a school every morning, this does of course open a new argument as to what social implications this may have on future generations.
Upgrading Your Laptop Screen 11. May 2011 Nick Laptop Screen Information (0) Upgrading your laptop screenWe all know that different types of screen display different laptop scr [More]
Bendable and Rollable Laptop Screens 10. May 2011 tori Laptop Screen News (0) Bendable and Rollable displays The basic notion of flexible screens has in fact existed for several [More]
"Compatible" Laptop Screens and alternate models 4. May 2011 tori Laptop Screen Information (3) Compatible laptop screensThe term "compatible" replacement screen is often used within the laptop s [More]
LCD - What Does It Mean? 22. April 2011 tori Laptop Screen Information (0) The basics about LCD technology displaysThe production of images on a laptop screen is governed by t [More]
Advent Verona Series: Laptop Screen Removal And Replacement 21. April 2011 tori Laptop Screen Installation Help (0) Removing and replacing an Advent Verona laptop screenThe Advent Verona series of laptops employ a ne [More]
How To Fix A Stuck Pixel On A Laptop Screen 14. April 2011 Nick Troubleshooting LCD installations (2) Fixing a stuck pixel on a laptop screen A stuck pixel is simply a pixel that is in a "stuck" s [More]
What is Meant by the Terms CCFL (LCD) and LED? 13. April 2011 Nick Laptop Screen Information (8) What do the terms CCFL, LCD and LED mean? You may have heard the terms LCD and LED used when vendors refer to replacement laptop screens. This article sets out to explain what these terms mean and how to choose when confronted with an LCD or LED screen for the same laptop computer. What is meant by LCD, CCFL and LED? LCD screens In actual fact the term LCD is slightly misleading, as almost all replacement laptop screens on the market today are LCD. LCD simply refers to the technology (Liquid Crystal Display), that is used to create the pixels (or dots) of the display that make up the entire image. CCFL, LCD and LED: how they operate and the differences between them In truth, screens are either CCFL (commonly mislabeled as LCD) or LED. The terms CCFL and LED refer only to the backlighting technology within the laptop screen. The pixels make up the display picture, from millions of "dots", either red, green or blue, and the backlight simply lights the screen so you can see the picture. CCFL screens use a miniature flourescent tube to light the screen, LED screens use Diodes, or LED lights that consume far less battery power. CCFL screens using this flourescent tube technology also require a ballast, like any flourescent lamp. This ballast is called a Power Inverter and usually sits directly underneath the screen. When purchasing a replacement screen, it is of course important to purchase the correct if multiple choices are present. Most reputable laptop screen suppliers will list both types of screen as CCFL (LCD) or LED. A typical Power Inverter for a laptop screen How to differentiate between the different types of screen CCFL (LCD) backlit screensThese types of laptop screen have wires coming from one bottom corner, which have one or two white plugs attached to be inserted into the right hand side of the power inverter. Example 1:A 13.3" screen that has one CCFL backlight, the white plug attaches to the power inverter. Example 2:This laptop screen is an 18.4" screen with 2 CCFL backlights, this has 2 white plugs, one for each backlight. They both attach to the right hand side of the power inverter (an example picture of a power inverter is shown below.) Example 3:This is the back of a typical CCFL (LCD) laptop screen, the arrow points to the cable and plug for the power inverter. LED backlit screens These types of screen do not have a power inverter or the wires mentioned above with the white plug(s) Example 1:An LED screen has no white plug from the bottom and does not require a power inverter. Notice no white plugs coming from the bottom. Some LED screens have a filament cable (2nd image below, orange) that attaches to electronics but this is NOT an inverter. Example 2:The rear of a typical LED laptop screen (may differ greatly from your specific model but for example only), notice no wires and no white plug from the bottom. Example 3:This LED screen does not use a power inverter either, and has no wires with a white plug attached from the bottom, however notice the flat plastic orange cable coming from the bottom. This is known as a filament cable. Do not confuse this with the Inverter cables and plug. This screen is still an LED panel. How do I know which screen I need? Determining which screen type is right for you You do not have to completely remove the laptop screen from the lid of the computer to determine which type is fitted. Most often all you need to do is remove the screen bezel, or the plastic surround (frame) around the screen. This is usually held in place by screws in the corners and sometimes middle of the screen. These screws can be covered by plastic washers that are removable with a sharp knife. Once the bezel is removed you will be able to quickly see if your screen has this white plug connected to an Inverter below the screen. Choosing the right screen Upgrading Changing from one technology to the other, for example upgrading a CCFL (LCD) laptop screen to an LED laptop screen is not possible. For this reason you will have to replace like for like technologies within the machine. Why are there two types of screen for my laptop? LED technology has been in use within laptops for many years, however historically these types of laptop screen were always fitted to high end laptops such as the Fujitsu Lifebook computers. In recent years the laptop manufacturers have turned to using LED screens as standard, as they are able to offer portable devices such as laptop, notebook and netbook computers with relatively long battery lives. The reason one laptop model may have both types of replacement screen advertised for it is that the manufacturer has used the same model name over many years, and as such some models will have the older CCFL (LCD) screens fitted and newer models the LED screens. Usually changes to the screen LCD cable and motherboard are made to accomodate this, hence upgrading is mostly not possible.
How To Replace a Laptop Screen - 6 Min Tutorial Video 13. April 2011 Nick Laptop Screen Installation Help (0) This six minute video tutorial will give you all the knowledge you need to replace your faulty or damaged LED or LCD laptop screen. Become an LCD screen replacement specialist and begin replacing LCD screens with confidence. [More]